Categories: 2019 Season CATALYST, Vanguard Culture Events

2019 BREAKTHROUGH – The Roaring Twenties

A 1920’s-Costume-Filled Evening of Spoken Word, Live Music & Dance Performances, Visual Arts, Great Wine, and Delicious Food.

SAT. February 16, 2019

Bread & Salt
1955 Julian Ave
San Diego, CA 92113

BREAKTHROUGH is a quarterly Spoken Word Series themed around catalytic moments in the history of art, science, fashion, music, pop culture and more. Each event includes delicious food, live music, spoken word, dance performances, and visual arts – all themed around a specific historical era. Co-produced in partnership with CA Poet Laureate Nominee Gill Sotu. Guests are encouraged to dress in costume of the era. This episode was themed around The Roaring Twenties.

– Delicious bites by Chefs Daniella de la Puente (La Cocina Secreta), Danilo B. Tangalin Jr (Bivouac Ciderworks), and Martin San Roman (Dobson’s Bar & Restaurant);
– Craft beer, wine and cocktails provided by Cerveza Colibre, St Petersburg Vodka, Boochcraft, and Baja Wine + Food
– Photo station by renowned portrait photographer Josue Castro
– Opportunity to participate in the 1920’s surrealist parlor game, Exquisite Corpse. Presented by Chi Essary
– Vaudeville fashion show featuring works by San Diego City College’s Theatrical Makeup and Special Effects Class: CityFX

2/16: The Roaring Twenties:
4/20: The Seventies
9/21: The Nineties
11/2: The Future

Visit for more information.
@VanguardCulture @CulturallySavvy #Breakthrough1920s

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Vanguard Culture

Vanguard Culture is an online media entity designed for culturally savvy, socially conscious individuals. We provide original interviews and reviews of the people, places, and events that make up San Diego’s thriving arts and culture community, as well as curated snapshots of the week’s best, most inspiring and unique cultural and culinary events. We believe in making a difference in the world, supporting San Diego’s vibrant visual and performing arts community and bringing awareness to important social and community causes.