August 8, 2019
6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
CLICK HERE to register
San Diego Art Institute
1439 El Prado
San Diego, CA 92101
Enjoy drinks with fellow artists in the community, reconnect with folks you know but haven’t seen in ages, and meet San Diego’s new Executive Director of the Commission for Arts & Culture, Jonathon Glus.
Jonathon would love to meet you and provide a glimpse into the Commission’s future vision and plans. He’ll also field a few questions you’ll be invited to channel to Jonathon and SDAI through a message wall.
Jonathon wants to know what our region’s artists are thinking and talking about, and what our regional art communities are concerned with. Come and enjoy an evening of drinks and conversation, and bring a friend!
If you’d like to provide images that will be projected during that evening, and also plan to provide as an informal deck for SDAI and Jonathon to refer to, please submit a couple of hi-res .jpgs here: https://airtable.com/shrKZNVcPhzSNDR4D.
For questions contact Kirsten Aaboe | cell: 619-917-4041 l [email protected].