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The Golden Age of American Music continues…

The Golden Age of American Music continues...

The Golden Age of American Music continues…

Joan and Irwin Jacobs Music Room
Athenaeum Music & Arts Library
1008 Wall Street
La Jolla, CA 92037

November 24, 2015
7:30 p.m.

Bruno Leone returns to the Athenaeum to present a unique odyssey of songs and stories spanning the entire Golden Age of American Music. Mr. Leone will feature the music and lyrics of Robert Wright, George Forrest, Kurt Weill, Maxwell Anderson, Richard Rogers, Lorenz Hart, and others. A widely acclaimed pianist and storyteller, Bruno Leone plays, sings, and chats his way through and around the lives, music, and lyrics of Broadway and America’s greatest composers and lyricists.

Bruno Leone’s performance is an audience-appealing blend of American popular music and folklore offered with the performer’s distinctive combination of music and humor. Learn why the San Diego Union-Tribune praised Mr. Leone’s “remarkable gift of combing the classroom with the concert hall to creat musical stories that actually enliven his audience.”

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