by Mario Sanguinet
July 29, 2023

On June 22, 2023, Del Amitri, Semisonic and the Barenaked Ladies Performed at SDSU’s CalCoast Credit Union Open Air Theatre. The latter bands are on tour right now because they will be releasing an album in the coming months.
Members of all bands might look like—and probably are—someone’s father. But neither played nor sounded like your dad’s garage band (no disrespect to your dad).
I will readily admit that I attended this performance without knowing much of the discography for either band. Some might think that’s heretic or sacrilegious.
But it seems like live music is the only kind of performance where some might think that. Or where someone might feel a little wrong, self-conscious, or hesitant for attending without being familiar with the artist. Other artforms, like live theater or films do not face the same pressure.
I have no notes or comments for Del Amitri mostly because I was not able to see their performance, given my late arrival. Alas, such is the gig for an opening act.
My angst was mostly put at ease during Semisonic’s performance because they readily admitted many of the songs they were playing were new and will eventually be featured on their upcoming album. Some of which they had released at the start of June.
The lead singer even alluded to their own lack of content over the years, noting the nearly 20 year gap between single releases. Then joked about how now they will ramp up their production to release songs every couple of weeks.
For one of the new songs they released they coached the audience on when and how to sing the chorus. And when the moment came everyone obliged.
They played for around an hour and forty minutes, about 10 songs according to When their stage time was coming to an end, they ended their set with their most famous song, “Closing Time,” which had the whole amphitheater up on their feet and singing.

Then we all waited for a few minutes, our wait generously aided by the falling grains of digital sand clock, for the Barenaked Ladies.
When they finally took the stage the crowd erupted into cheers, such is the gig for a headliner.
These folks definitely looked like dads and had the jokes to back it up with. They even delighted the audience with a few, mostly at the expense of La Jolla. Others involved confusion of potential military leaders and their poultry related products.
It became evident that they had either spent time in San Diego, mostly La Jolla, in between tour dates or had been briefed on what to say because some of the comments could have only been from someone who has spent time in San Diego for the last few months. Like how we had not had a full day of sunshine for months.
Along these lines, the banter between the band members was unlike anything I have seen before. They were really close with each other, but that is what happens when you have known each other and been on tour together for over 30 years.
In terms of their stage production and performance, it was quite solid. They played some crowd favorites, a few deep cuts and some songs which will be part of their new album, one of which was released that night. Here’s the full setlist for the Barenaked Ladies.
For a few of their songs, the screen behind them was perfectly timed to provide an image or visual cue to the corresponding lyrics, like when they played “Big Back Yard.” When they played “Odds Are,” the apocalyptic video from the song was playing in the background.
Of course, they played “One Week.” But right before they did, the lead singer said that the audience should try to sing along, if they could keep up. And then the lyrics for the entire song began to come up behind the band, each lyric synchronized to the performance.

As they were getting ready to wrap up the evening, they invited both openers, Del Amitri and Semisonic, back on stage. All three bands combined forces to play a medley of songs that took everyone that evening through a range of musical eras, to close out the night. It really was something to witness.
For the encore, all three bands came out once more and played one more full song. Then the lead singer for the Barenaked Ladies told the folks from Semisonic to close out the night, and all three bands played a reprise of “Closing Time.” A fitting send off to a great performance.
I had forgotten that shows can begin around 7 p.m. and end past the bedtime of someone in grade school. When all was said and done, all the musicians were taking their final bows around 10:50 p.m. This performance was a nice reminder that a band can have (multiple) openers and play for longer than 90 minutes. It is good to be reminded of what things outside downtown can be like, and what better place to realize that than the place where I went to college.
For more events at SDSU’s CalCoast Credit Union Open Air Theatre visit their events calendar.