9 guests + 4 delicious food & wine pairings
+ 1 featured artist
= an unforgettable event
21+ only
Dine with one of San Diego’s most thoughtful and dynamic photographers
John Mireles has been called a master of capturing the diversity of humanity with a unique intimacy. By means of narrative, lifestyle, and portrait photography, he is able to depict the evocative nature of his subjects, both commonplace and absurd. His acclaimed “Neighbors” project takes viewers on a journey from state to state, delving into the lives of everyday Americans. These emotionally revealing portraits have been described as whimsical, serendipitous and haunting. Don’t miss an opportunity to hear his stories from the road at this high-profile event.
Featuring a fantastic 4-course menu inspiredby our Featured Artist,
and exquisitely prepared by:
Vanguard Culture is an online media entity designed for culturally savvy, socially conscious individuals.
We provide original interviews and reviews of the people, places, and events that make up San Diego’s thriving arts and culture community, as well as curated snapshots of the week’s best, most inspiring and unique cultural and culinary events.
We believe in making a difference in the world, supporting San Diego’s vibrant visual and performing arts community and bringing awareness to important social and community causes.